Holiday Schedule and High Sierra

Happy Monday!


Please see our upcoming holiday schedule below.

PLEASE just say no to High Sierra - I am still not recommending it. Apple is pushing the install but I do not think it is ready yet. 

Have you ever wondered how to use another app while you're on the phone?? I'll show you how with the tech tip down below!


Holiday Schedule

Closed: Wednesday 11/22
Open: Monday 11/27

Jillian Vacation
November 22 until November 27

John Vacation
December 1 until December 11

Closed: Friday 12/22
Open: Wednesday 12/27

New Year's
Closed: Monday 1/1/2018
Open: Tuesday 1/2/2018

How to use another app during a phone call on your iPhone

Yes, even when you are on a phone call with someone you can access your Contacts, E-mail, or any other app during the call. 

1. Press Speaker - then Press the Home button to switch to your primary / home screen.

iphone speakerphone.jpg

2. Open your Contacts or any other app and retrieve the info you need.

3. When you are finished simply tap the green bar at the top of the screen to return to your call.

return to iphone call.png

(Note: you can also access your Contacts from the Phone screen and return to the call using the green bar.)


To ease the burden of getting your technology back up and running again, we would like to offer 10% off all services through November 30th.*

Certainly there are many who could benefit from our assistance. If you would like to refer someone you know and they become a new client, we'd like to give you a 10% discount on your next appointment!! 

*If you pay travel charges they will still apply this offer is good for all services.


Help a Friend Who Lost Their Home


Sonoma County Recovers
Complete resource page with links to a wide variety of vetted and official resources

Redwood Credit Union North Bay Fire Relief Fund

United Policy Holders
Non-profit aiding in navigating everything to do with your insurance